Friday, January 22, 2010

Campus recruitment circus

This link which I found on twitter (the first good thing I've found so far, I think) was too good not to share with my readers - especially those who have gone through the B-school campus recruitment circus already, a few who are about to face it and chewing their nails, and those a lot younger who are still fantasizing about it (and their parents too, of course).

Many thanks to Omkar Mazumdar/'splashyellow'.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Creativity, character and exams

We were once again discussing the perennial grouch of pupils against examinations - that they test crude memorising power to the detriment of far more valuable attributes like creative imagination, character qualities and so on. I asked how many people would have ever passed through school if they were tested for whether they were Einsteins and Tagores, and how they measured up against ideal characters such as Lincoln, St. Francis and Sri Ramkrishna. Predictably enough, there was a deafening silence which said everything...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Engineering wisdom

Some gags are too good not to share. Here's one such: What part of the car causes the most accidents? Answer - the nut that holds the wheel.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Marital bliss!

My mobile service provider keeps sending me a free joke every day, and an inordinate number of those are about the nasty side of marriage! One said the wife complained to her husband 'Dismiss this driver at once - he nearly got me killed!' to which the husband replied, 'Please give him one more chance...' and another defined marriage as a ceremony which involves putting rings on the fingers of a woman and chains on the hands and feet of a man. It must be a rabid misogamist who thinks up and circulates jokes like these. Strange that women subscribers haven't started protesting in large numbers. Or is it that they merely smirk, and don't care a hoot?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Ring in the new...

A wise guy told me recently that New Year's Eve was the night when millions of people got miserably drunk, frozen and broke in the quest for happiness, and a few thousand businessmen encouraged them lustily while counting their profits in warm offices before laughing all the way to the bank the next morning.

It should be clear from the above that I do not believe in special days. I had a very quiet and restful night myself, after watching crowd antics on TV for a while - exactly as I have been doing every time for almost two decades, to my entire satisfaction. My best wishes, for whatever they are worth, to all my readers nevertheless.